Friday, January 07, 2011

Meringues - or how to use up egg whites!

As part of my pre-christmas cooking, I made some Vanilla icecream - this required 6 egg yolks, which left me with egg whites to use up! So I went the easy route, and made some meringues, and some mini pavlovas!

There is a "basic meringue recipe" here at .  I just adjusted the quantities.

To make the meringues, I just piped swirls onto the trays.....


For the pavlovas, I piped nests!(kind of wobbly nests, but nests all the same!). 


I filled the cooled nests with raspberry cream, and topped with a raspberry. (to make raspberry cream, I used the cream that I had leftover from making my icecream! - I simply whipped it to soft peaks, added a little bit of icing sugar and some "crumbs" from the bottom of the frozen raspberry packet! )

1 comment:

  1. We had some (or was it all) of these!!! Very Yummy!!! - K xx
