Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dinner at home - Fettucine x 2

I decided to make some fresh pasta for dinner - I really should do this more often, because, its fun, easy, and tastes fantastic!


I made the pasta dough using 100g flour, 1 egg and a pinch of salt. I whizzed this in the little food processor, and then kneaded it, before resting it for about half an hour. I then rolled it out with my pasta machine, cut it into fettucine, and hung it up on this make-shift pasta rack (a wooden spoon balanced on two coffee mugs, balanced on tinned tomatoes for extra height!)

We ate the last of the Brewbakers bread topped with garlic and olive oil and grilled until toasty - delicious!!

After cooking in boiling water for only a minute or two, I tossed the fettucine into two different sauces...


for me, A simple sauce of sauted onion, garlic zuccinni and grape tomatoes


For Janet, a carbonara sauce - with bacon and zuccinni.


  1. I LOVE you pasta drying rack! LOL
    Looks delish. I have always wanted to try making pasta.

  2. Good work Al! Looks like you are into the spirit with the dough.

    Plus, you have so much motivation to make 2 seperate meals, it is good that the base could be the same!!
